Tuesday 7 May 2013

6.16 describe the generation of electricity by the rotation of a magnet within a coil of wire and of a coil of wire within a magnetic field and describe the factors which affect the size of the induced voltage

rotate a magnet in a coil of wire and there will be a current induced, the same is true for rotating a coil of wire in a magnetic field.

Factors that increase the electricity generated include: strength of magnetic field; number of coils in wire; speed of rotations.


  1. Surely only a voltage is induced and then a current if the coil is part of a full circuit?

    1. I think its right to say current is induced, this video is helpful at explaining: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/electricity-and-magnetism/v/magnetism-12--induced-current-in-a-wire

  2. A voltage or EMF is induced by cutting the magnetic field lines it is only when it is part of a complete circuit that a current flows

  3. i think rather than number of coils you are meant to say number of turns in the coil, great website
